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台灣 失聯移工(逃逸外籍勞工), 先破 10萬人 ???
比特幣Bitcoin BTC, 先破 10萬 鎂 ???
The end ?

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作者 主題: [虛擬幣] 倒閉的mtgox 新求償試算 華麗翻身16倍, [2014年 破產清算] vs [2018年 民事再生]  (閱讀 17898 次)
Lv: 5
文章: 2,075

« 於: 2018 九月 07, 下午 07:59 »

mtgox受害者的虛擬幣, 民事再生求償 華麗翻身16倍,

[虛擬幣] 倒閉的mtgox 新求償試算 華麗翻身16倍, [2014年 破產清算] vs [2018年 民事再生]

前言: 2018.09 日本虛擬幣交易所mtgox 破產程序中止, 變更為 民事再生.
因mtgox破產的受害者們, 需重新在2018/10/22以前  (好像有延期 2019年10月28日詳請請自行查看官網) 提出民事再生的索賠申請.
(就算前幾年曾經提出破產索賠申請, 現在也得再重新提出 民事再生的索賠申請)


當初的破產申請 是以2014年那時候一個比特幣跌到剩下400多美元去估算...

現在的 民事再生 申請, 是以一個比特幣6000多美元去估算 ,
而且重要的是, 連 分叉出來的幣 BCH (bitcoin cash 比特現金) 都 算在你的求償範圍內...

假設 [2014年 破產清算] 的求償金額 換算是 1萬 JPY,
現在 [2018年 民事再生] 這時候 換算的求償金額 大概會變成 16萬 JPY.
(附上 網路搜尋找到的 參考用的 比較示意圖)

而且去年 2017年 年末, 負責mtgox破產清算 的,
更是絕妙的 在 比特幣的 高點的時候 大賣一票...

總之, 雖然 虛擬幣 最終拿回來的可能只剩原本的 20%~30%, 只剩下當初的 五分之一 到 三分之一
可是當初倒閉前 1000 多美元, 目前 6000多美元, 翻了6倍...
還有一個重要關鍵是: [一堆人放棄 或是 不知道而 沒去申請 求償].

基本上, 現在拿回來的 虛擬幣換算現值, 比起當初擺在mtgox換算現值,
應該 不僅不會虧, 還會小賺...

mtgox 2018 民事再生 申請 相關填寫資料 麻煩至極...

這次mtgox的民事再生申請 相當麻煩... 一堆英文就算了...

不僅細分成 多種不同狀況 (分是否有提出破產索償的 還分線上或線下)

還得 重新設定 密碼 (要有12碼  要包含 大小寫 英數字 特殊符號 例如: - )
(而且這個密碼 不是立刻 下一步驟的重登之後生效, 是在後面幾步驟的才開始生效, 生效之前還要用舊密碼 真的會被整死)
密碼 還得來個 設定忘記密碼時的 兩個問答,
還得 email認證 ,
再加上 需要用到 手機APP的2次認證 (two step)

然後才是 線上填表 (一堆資料要填,都是英文,  寫得太慢 還得重來),
還得確定送出(傳第一次還頁面跳一下 顯示總共的求償金額, 再傳第二次 才讓你送出)

總之, 千萬不要拖到 最後幾天 才去提出申請, 不然會被搞死的...

* 狀況就類似這篇英文文章的 回覆的 d344d 所寫的流程:


* 好處:
不過, 對於 之前 沒有提出過 破產求償申請的 算是一個好處,
1. 這次的可以直接 作 民事再生 求償申請 就可以了.
2. 比特幣可求償的 金額 暴增了 16倍... (那時候一個比特幣跌到剩下400多美元...) ,(現在一個比特幣6000多美元)


* 壞處:
假如 你之前(幾年前) 就提出了 破產求償申請,
結果 反而這一兩個月沒看到 得重新來個 民事再生求償申請 的話, 那就886~~~

Information on Filed Proof of Bankruptcy Claim

Please enter the information on the proof of bankruptcy claim you filed in the bankruptcy proceedings.

Even if your name or address changed after your proof of bankruptcy claim was filed, please enter below the information you notified when you filed your proof of bankruptcy claim.


* 2nd.png (97.57 KB, 1341x688 - 已被閱讀 2564 次.)

* 180vs3000yen.png (141.98 KB, 1361x396 - 已被閱讀 2626 次.)

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文章: 2,075

« 回覆文章 #1 於: 2018 九月 07, 下午 08:13 »

(1) For Users WHO HAS NOT set up the two-step authentication:
username/e-mail address registered with the MTGOX Bitcoin exchange

(2) For Users WHO HAS set up the two-step authentication:
your contact e-mail address registered with the System


Users who have the status of rehabilitation creditor are eligible to file a proof of rehabilitation claim with respect to the right to claim for return of cash and/or Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies split from Bitcoin by using the System (the “Online Method”) until October 22, 2018 (Japan time).
擁有再生債權人身份的用戶有資格通過使用該系統(“在線方法”)提交有關申請退還現金和/或比特幣或其他從比特幣分割的加密貨幣的索賠的複原索賠證明。 2018年10月22日(日本時間)。

Steps to file a proof of rehabilitation claim by the Online Method
Follow the steps below to file a proof of rehabilitation claim.

Step 1. Login in to the System with (i) the username or e-mail address registered with the MTGOX Bitcoin exchange and (ii) the password registered with the online system for filing a proof of bankruptcy claim.

* Note: Those who fall under either of the following categories cannot login to the System:
  (i) Users who have lost the above information necessary to login to the System;
  (ii) Users which balance at their account with the MTGOX Bitcoin exchange is zero;
  (iii) Transferees/Assignees who received the transfer/assignment of claims; or
  (iv) Transferors/Assignors who transferred/assigned their own bankruptcy claims and applied for approval from the bankruptcy trustee on such transfer/assignment

* Note: Users who forgot the login password registered with the online system for filing a proof of bankruptcy claim or the password that you set during the two-step authentication need to click the button “if you forgot your password” and reset the login password.

* Note: Those who cannot login to the System are still eligible to file a proof of rehabilitation claim offline. For details, please see “Filing a Proof of Rehabilitation Claim Offline” at the bottom of this page.

* Note: Corporate Users are not able to login to the System as of now because the functions for them are in preparation. The System for Corporate Users who filed a proof of bankruptcy claim online is scheduled for release by the middle of September 2018.

Step 2. Upon logging in to the System, use a smartphone or tablet to set up a two-step authentication. To set up the two-step authentication, you must fill out, among others, your contact e-mail address registered under the bankruptcy proceedings. If the filled-out contact email-address has become invalid, you cannot set up the two-step authentication and consequently cannot file a proof of rehabilitation claim by the Online Method. For directions on how to set up the two-step authentication, please view the instructions on the setup screen of the two-step authentication process.

* Note: If you logged in to the System but failed to set up the two-step authentication for any reason, you can still file a proof of rehabilitation claim using the amount of the claim recorded in the MTGOX database which has reflected the claim investigations thus far. For details, please view the instructions on the setup screen of the two-step authentication process.

* Note: AFTER SETTING UP THE TWO-STEP AUTHENTICATION, YOUR LOGGING IN INFORMATION WILL BE CHANGED TO YOUR CONTACT E-MAIL ADDRESS REGISTERED WITH THE SYSTEM. You will no longer be able to login to the System by your username or e-mail address registered with MTGOX Bitcoin exchange thereafter. Further, upon setting up the two-step authentication, the login password will be changed to the password set during the two-step authentication process and you will no longer be able to login using the password registered with the online system for filing a proof of bankruptcy claim.

System Cautions
・ The System may be available in the future for important procedures related to the Civil Rehabilitation Proceedings. Please make sure you do not lose your username, e-mail address and password necessary for login.
Further, from the security viewpoint, it is recommended that different variations are used for each password.

・ Please strictly keep and store your username, e-mail address or password registered with the MTGOX Bitcoin exchange, or any information registered during the two-step authentication and do not give them to any third party. Even if any of such information becomes known to any third party, in no event will MTGOX or the trustee (including the deputy trustees and assistant trustees) assume liability for any damage, loss, liability, cost or expense (the “Damages”) arising out of or in connection with such action, and they will not compensate you or take any other measures for such Damages.


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