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台灣 失聯移工(逃逸外籍勞工), 先破 10萬人 ???
比特幣Bitcoin BTC, 先破 10萬 鎂 ???
The end ?

台灣 行蹤不明的外籍移工人數
2024年1月 :  85947 名
2023年1月 :  80643 名
2022年1月 :  56878 名
[公告]本網站 在近幾個月 有 網路爬蟲bot 大量收集本站資料庫 搞到 流量超過, 跳出 超出上限的錯誤頁面,
若發生此現象,請在下個月1日 再來逛,謝謝。

因應 電信公司 即將關閉3G訊號。

若是之前沒有開啟 VOLTE功能的,要記得開啟。
(不然,會無法撥打 接收 電話)

方法就是 手機 點選 設定(齒輪的符號)
[設定]---[行動網路]--- (點選要開啟的電信sim卡 --- 開啟VOLTE

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作者 主題: cudaminer 參數  (閱讀 6141 次)
Lv: 5
文章: 2,075

« 於: 2014 三月 26, 下午 05:31 »

cudaminer 參數

F:\cudaminer>cudaminer -V
           *** CudaMiner for nVidia GPUs by Christian Buchner ***
                     This is version 2014-02-28 (beta)


F:\cudaminer>cudaminer --help

          YAC donation address: Y87sptDEcpLkLeAuex6qZioDbvy1qXZEj4
Usage: cudaminer [OPTIONS]
  -a, --algo=ALGO       specify the algorithm to use (default is scrypt)
                          scrypt       scrypt Salsa20/8(1024, 1, 1), PBKDF2(SHA2)
                          scrypt:N     scrypt Salsa20/8(N, 1, 1), PBKDF2(SHA2)
                          scrypt-jane  scrypt Chacha20/8(N, 1, 1), PBKDF2(Keccak)
                                       Coin must be one of the supported coins.
                                       scrypt-chacha20/8(2*2^Nfactor, 1, 1)
                                       like above nFactor derived from Unix time.
                          sha256d      SHA-256d (don't use this! No GPU acceleration)
                          keccak       Keccak (SHA-3)
  -o, --url=URL         URL of mining server (default:
  -O, --userpass=U:P    username:password pair for mining server
  -u, --user=USERNAME   username for mining server
  -p, --pass=PASSWORD   password for mining server
      --cert=FILE       certificate for mining server using SSL
  -x, --proxy=[PROTOCOL://]HOST[:PORT]  connect through a proxy
  -t, --threads=N       number of miner threads (default: number of processors)
  -r, --retries=N       number of times to retry if a network call fails
                          (default: retry indefinitely)
  -R, --retry-pause=N   time to pause between retries, in seconds (default: 30)
  -T, --timeout=N       network timeout, in seconds (default: 270)
  -s, --scantime=N      upper bound on time spent scanning current work when
                        long polling is unavailable, in seconds (default: 5)
      --no-longpoll     disable X-Long-Polling support
      --no-stratum      disable X-Stratum support
  -q, --quiet           disable per-thread hashmeter output
  -D, --debug           enable debug output
  -P, --protocol-dump   verbose dump of protocol-level activities
      --no-autotune     disable auto-tuning of kernel launch parameters
  -d, --devices         takes a comma separated list of CUDA devices to use.
                        Device IDs start counting from 0! Alternatively takes
                        string names of your cards like gtx780ti or gt640#2
                        (matching 2nd gt640 in the PC)
  -l, --launch-config   gives the launch configuration for each kernel
                        in a comma separated list, one per device.
  -i, --interactive     comma separated list of flags (0/1) specifying
                        which of the CUDA device you need to run at inter-
                        active frame rates (because it drives a display).
  -b, --batchsize       comma separated list of max. scrypt iterations that
                        are run in one kernel invocation. Default is 1024.
                        Increase for better performance in scrypt-jane.
  -C, --texture-cache   comma separated list of flags (0/1) specifying
                        which of the CUDA devices shall use the texture
                        cache for mining. Kepler devices will profit.
  -m, --single-memory   comma separated list of flags (0/1) specifying
                        which of the CUDA devices shall allocate their
                        scrypt scratchbuffers in a single memory block.
  -H, --hash-parallel   determines how the PBKDF2 based SHA2 or Keccak
                        parts of scrypt and scrypt-jane are computed:
                        0 hashes this single threaded on the CPU.
                        1 to enable multithreaded hashing on the CPU.
                        2 offloads everything to the GPU (default)
  -L, --lookup-gap      Divides the per-hash memory requirement by this factor
                        by storing only every N'th value in the scratchpad.
                        Default is 1.
      --time-limit      maximum time (s) to mine before exiting the program.
      --benchmark       run in offline benchmark mode
  -c, --config=FILE     load a JSON-format configuration file
  -V, --version         display version information and exit
  -h, --help            display this help text and exit

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