2021/08/20 挖礦小日記 : LHR顯示卡 + NICEHASH + 自行下載新版的挖礦軟體 (Gminer,Gminercuda)
NICEHASH 的 內建挖礦軟體版本 似乎太舊, 對於 某些 新版 DRIVER的 LHR顯示卡 可能無法運作,
因此 就得 自行去抓 最新版的挖礦軟體來使用。
只要把參數設定好, 即使不透過 NICEHASH MINER 也可以讓它適用於 NICEHASH挖礦。
其中先舉例一個 挖礦軟體 Gminer , 裡面有 DaggerHashimoto (ETH) 與 KAWPOW(RAVACOIN)運算模式。
( 另外,Nbminer 挖礦軟體39.1版本 已經號稱 可以 讓 LHR顯示卡,ETH挖礦可以到69%,要挖ETH 可以考慮Nbminer)
(DaggerHashimoto (ETH) 與 KAWPOW(RAVACOIN))
https://github.com/develsoftware/GMinerRelease/releasesGminer V 2.65 版本的 WINDOWS版 下載:
其他還有常用的挖礦軟體 ,
挖礦軟體 都含有各種不同的運算式,其中也有不錯的收益。 例如: ERGO幣的 Autolykos
NBMINER (39.1版本 已經號稱 可以 讓 LHR顯示卡,ETH挖礦可以到69%)
=== Gminer 通用的挖礦指令如下 ===
miner.exe --algo 運算幣種 --server 伺服器:PORT --user 錢包地址.自定義用戶名
指令 小說明:
(0) 下載回來的檔案 解壓縮之後 有一個 readme.txt 檔案,裡面有參數的說明。
(1) 3BdfWtyJdbTjYjCKTaNM8wj2FPuyD5UMPV 是一組隨意的BTC挖礦地址,
請自行 替代為 你自己在 NICEHASH的 BTC挖礦地址
111111與222222 是用戶自定名稱,可以任意更改。(這個是顯示在NICEHASH的報表用的)
(挖礦地址 與 用戶名中間 相隔一個 小點 [ . ] , 請勿消除)
(2) 若有追加 -i 99 這個指令 是讓顯示卡GPU運作在99%使用率,特意留下1%是給你平常電腦上網或處理事務用的。(若未設定此值,則默認為 100)
(假如 你有兩張 顯示卡, 就可以 下參數 -i 99 100 ,這可以讓 第一張顯示卡99% 第二張100%.)
(3) 成功挖礦之後, 過一會兒 在NICEHASH的報表裡面 應該會出現
=== NICEHASH 挖ETH幣的 .BAT指令檔 參考 ===
miner.exe --algo ethash --server daggerhashimoto.usa-west.nicehash.com:3353 --user 3BdfWtyJdbTjYjCKTaNM8wj2FPuyD5UMPV.111111 -i 99
miner.exe --algo kawpow --server kawpow.usa-west.nicehash.com:3385 --user 3BdfWtyJdbTjYjCKTaNM8wj2FPuyD5UMPV.222222 -i 99
PS. 其他補充說明:
(A) LHR顯示卡 挖礦時,就算不是挖ETH。
(B) 目前 NBMINER 在ETH 已經可以解鎖至68% 效益 (好像是 到70% 就會觸發 減算力機制)。
(C) 不過。 其實 在某些時候 挖 ERGO(Autolykos) 或是 RAVACOIN(KAWPOW) 也有 很高的收益。
ETH幣,ERGO幣 主力 是增加 VRAM頻率。
3. 降 POWER LIMIT 有 降主頻與降電壓的效果, 可避免 你的顯示卡 火力全開 而稱不過 高溫。
Gminer (Gminercuda) 參數 指令:
'--help' or shortly '-h' - display available options
'--version' or shortly '-v' - print program version
'--user_id' - print user ID
'--algo' or shortly '-a' - mining algorithm (for example: 'ethash', 'kawpow', 'cuckatoo32', 'beamhash')
'--list_devices' - list devices available for mining
'--contest_wallet' - Ethash wallet, parameter is required to participate in contest
'--server' or shortly '-s' - mining pool address (for example: 'eu.btgpool.pro', 'eu1.zhash.pro')
'--port' or shortly '-n' - mining pool port (for example: '5057', '1445')
'--user' or shortly '-u' - mining pool login or wallet address, worker's name can be specified with a dot (for example: 'sRuJK1BmA758GbOn.worker', 'GfGLyfP9GzZbPeTzvW1KSx3HeMnrNAiGWY.rig0')
'--worker' - worker name for Ethash strarum, for pools that does not supoort wallet.worker (for example: 'rig0')
'--pass' or shortly '-p' - worker password or default pool password, default value is 'x' (for example: 'sRuJK1Bm')
'--ssl' - enable/disable secure connection with mining pool, must be supported by a pool, default value is '0' ('0' - off or '1' - on)
'--proxy' - SOCKS5 proxy server address (for example:
'--proto' - specify stratum protocol mode, possible values: proxy and stratum, useful for Ethash mining, default value is 'proxy' (for example: 'stratum')
'--dag_mode' - space-separated list of Dag file modes (0 - auto, 1 - single, 2 - double), default is '0' (for example: '2 1 0')
'--safe_dag' - space-separated list of DAG generation modes (0 - auto, 1 - fast mode, 2 - safe mode, in auto mode GTX GPUs - fast DAG and RTX GPUs - safe DAG), only Nvidia GPUs are supported, default is '0' (for example: '2 1 0')
'--dag_limit' - space-separated list of Dag file size limits in megabytes, to disable the limit use 0, default is '0' (for example: '4096 4096 4096')
'--cache_dag' - enable/disable caching of DAG file for mining Ethash + Zilliqa or Nicehash, default value is '1' ('0' - off or '1' - on)
'--devices' or shortly '-d' - space-separated list of cuda devices, default value is all available devices (for example: '1 3 5')
'--kernel' or shortly '-k' - space-separated list of kernel numbers for each device (0 - auto, 1-6 - kernel number, currently supports 6 kernels for Nvidia on Ethash/Etchash) (for example: '1 3 5')
'--mt' - space-separated list of memory tweak numbers for each device (range from 0 to 6, 0 - disable tweaks), only Nvidia GPUs with GDDR5X and GDDR5 memory are supported, requires running miner with admin privileges (for example: '1 3 5')
'--fan' - space-separated list of fan speed for each device in percents (range from 0 to 100, 0 - ignore), only Windows is supported (for example: '60 0 90')
'--pl' - space-separated list of power limits for each device in percents (range from 0 to 100 for Nvidia GPUs and -50 - 50 for AMD GPUs, 0 - ignore), only Windows is supported (for example: '30 0 50')
'--cclock' - space-separated list of core clock offsets (for Nvidia GPUs) or absolute core clocks (for AMD GPUs) for each device in MHz (0 - ignore), only Windows is supported, requires running miner with admin privileges (for example: '100 0 -90')
'--mclock' - space-separated list of memory clock offsets (for Nvidia GPUs) or absolute memory clocks (for AMD GPUs) for each device in MHz (0 - ignore), only Windows is supported, requires running miner with admin privileges (for example: '100 0 -90')
'--cvddc' - space-separated list of core voltage offsets in % (for Nvidia GPUs) or absolute core voltages (for AMD GPUs) for each device in mV (0 - ignore), only Windows is supported, requires running miner with admin privileges (for example: '900 0 1100')
'--lock_voltage' - space-separated list of locked voltage points for each device in mV (0 - ignore), only Windows and Nvidia GPUs are supported. Requires running miner with admin privileges (for example: '900 0 1000')
'--lock_cclock' - space-separated list of locked core clock point for each device in MHz (0 - ignore), only Nvidia GPUs are supported. Requires running miner with admin privileges (for example: '1200 0 1500')
'--p2state' - enable/disable P2 state, only Windows and Nvidia GPUs are supported. Requires running miner with admin privileges
'--tfan' - space-separated list of target temperatures for fan (0 - ignore), only Windows is supported (for example: '65 0 70')
'--tfan_min' - space-separated list of minimal fan speed (0 - ignore) for tfan option, only Windows is supported (for example: '30 0 35')
'--tfan_max' - space-separated list of maximal fan speed (0 - ignore) for tfan option, only Windows is supported (for example: '90 0 80')
'--logfile' or shortly '-l' - filename to save logs on disk, default value is '' (for example: '/usr/user/miner.log', 'c:\miner.log')
'--log_date' - enable/disable date in each message, default value is '0' ('0' - off or '1' - on)
'--log_stratum' - enable/disable data of communication with the server, default value is '0' ('0' - off or '1' - on)
'--log_newjob' - enable/disable information about new jobs, default value is '1' ('0' - off or '1' - on)
'--templimit' or shortly '-t' - space-separated list of temperature limits, upon reaching the limit, the GPU stops mining until it cools down (for example: '85 80 75')
'--templimit_mem' or shortly '-tm' - space-separated list of memory temperature limits, upon reaching the limit, the GPU stops mining until it cools down (for example: '95 100 105')
'--color' or shortly '-c' - enable/disable color output for console, default value is '1' ('0' - off or '1' - on)
'--watchdog' or shortly '-w' - enable/disable watchdog, watchdog monitors the main mining processes and restarts the application in the event of a failure or loss of connection to the pools, default value is '1' ('0' - off or '1' - on)
'--watchdog_restart_delay' - miner restart delay for watchdog in seconds, default value is '10' (for example: '1')
'--report_interval' - statistics report interval in seconds, default value is '30' (for example: '5')
'--api' - telemetry server port, allows you to monitor the miner status remotely, open a link in your browser
http://localhost:port (for example: '10050', '20030')
'--config' - specify configuration file
'--pers' - personalization string for equihash algorithm (for example: 'BgoldPoW', 'BitcoinZ', 'Safecoin')
'--pec' - enable/disable power efficiency calculator. Power efficiency calculator display of energy efficiency statistics of GPU, higher CPU load. Default value is '1' ('0' - off or '1' - on)
'--electricity_cost' - pass cost of electricity in USD per kWh, miner will report $ spent to mining
'--intensity' or shortly '-i' - space-separated list of intensities (1-100), default value is '100' (for example: '90 90 90')
'--share_check' - enable/disable share check on CPU for mining Ethash, Etcash, KAWPOW and ProgPoW, default value is '1' ('0' - off or '1' - on)
'--nvml' - enable/disable NVML (statistic library for CUDA devices), default value is '1' ('0' - off or '1' - on)
'--cuda' - enable/disable CUDA platform, default value is '1' ('0' - off or '1' - on)
'--opencl' - enable/disable OpenCL platform, default value is '1' ('0' - off or '1' - on)
Parameters dag_mode, safe_dag, dag_limit, kernel, mt, fan, pl, cclock, cvddc, mclock, lock_voltage, lock_cclock, tfan, templimit, templimit_mem, intensity can be specified with one parameter for all devices:
'miner --algo ethash --server eth.2miners.com:2020 --user 0x5218597d48333d4a70cce91e810007b37e2937b5.worker1 --kernel 0 --templimit 80 --dag_mode 0'
or for each device separately, if we have 3 devices:
'miner --algo ethash --server eth.2miners.com:2020 --user 0x5218597d48333d4a70cce91e810007b37e2937b5.worker1 --kernel 0 1 1 --templimit 80 70 90 --dag_mode 0 1 2'
Miner supports failover pools, if the main pool is not available, the miner switches to the failover pools, after the main pool is available, the miner will switch to it, example:
'miner --algo ethash --server eth.2miners.com:2020 --user 0x5218597d48333d4a70cce91e810007b37e2937b5.worker1 --server eu1.ethermine.org:4444 --user 0x5218597d48333d4a70cce91e810007b37e2937b5.worker1 --server asia.sparkpool.com:3333 --user 0x5218597d48333d4a70cce91e810007b37e2937b5.worker1'
eth.2miners.com - main pool
eu1.ethermine.org and asia.sparkpool.com - failover pools
Miner resets mt, cclock, cvddc, mclock parameters to default values while DAG generation to avoid errors
Parameters details:
'--kernel' - allows you to choose one of several kernels, the fastest kernel is automatically selected by default.
Cores differ in performance and energy efficiency depending on the GPU model and overclocking parameters.
To set the kernel manually, pass the kernel index to the parameter.
Try to choose the best kernel for you manually by going through all the options
'--mt' - allows you to choose one of several tweaks for GPUs with GDDR5X and GDDR5 memory.
A higher value gives more performance and less stability, risk of finding invalid shares increases.
Try to check all values to determine which one suits you best.
Administrator rights required.
'--safe_dag' - allows you to choose a way to DAG generation.
In fast mode (value 1, auto for GTX GPUs) miner generates DAG as quickly as possible, DAG errors are possible at maximum overclocking.
In safe mode (value 2, auto for RTX GPUs) miner generates DAG with error control, useful for RTX cards at maximum overclocking.
'--tfan' - allows you to set a target temperature for fans.
Miner monitors temperature of GPU and actively controls the fan speed trying to hold target temperature.
'--tfan_min' and '--tfan_max' options set minimum and maximum fan speed limits.